Commercial Photography
Architectural Photography
One East
Avenue (formerly Bank of America building) in downtown Rochester, New
High dynamic range image taken from top of Sibley Building at dusk.

'Jungle House'
on Beattie Beach in Greece, New York. This is a high dynamic range image
taken from an exposure bracket of 7 36 megapixel camera raw images first
processed in Adobe Camera Raw and then combined in Photomatix into one
HDR image.

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The historic Wellesley Hotel in
Thousand Island Park, New York.

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panoramic image

Capitol Building, Washington D.C.
Displayed as one of the iconic Kodak Coloramas in Grand Central Station in
NYC beginning on January 12, 1981 G
rand Central Station beginning on January 12,

Although the Capitol
rotunda is lit a night, the lower facade is not. For this photo the
Capitol was illuminated with portable generators and lights from a film
production company. In addition,
Neil Montanus had to carry all of his heavy equipment, consisting of his view
camera, tripod, and film case, up a narrow stairway to the top of the
Library of Congress where the shot was taken. Many of Neil's 40 second
exposures at f22 were ruined by lights of airplanes flying in and out of
Washington's National Airport or by occasional wind gusts that shook his
8x10 camera. Aware of these problems, Neil shot lots of film and was
fortunate to capture at least one perfect image.
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Residential Interiors for
real estate clients
