Jamie's Record Fishing Season in Review A few key highlights from 2011 - it was a banner year! And it's not over yet! Nicest Smallmouth of the season so far -
in fact, one of the only smallmouth of the season so far! I don't know what's more impressive, the
fish or my guns! Nice fish, Jimmy! Nice fish.
Largemouth Bass.
![]() Slashed! By a Northern Pike. Little baby bass hit a lure almost as big
as him. Nice Northern Pike. Giant Yellow Perch. Little Rock Bass.
Allison's daughter Lauren not real happy
about being this close to a fish. The following four fish were caught in
about a half hour in advance of a large storm with came through on
8-14-11 The following three pike and one bass
were caught in about a half hour in advance of a large storm with came
through on 8-21-11, exactly one week after the fishing bonanza described
above! Only this time instead of bass, it was PIKE!
Picture of Turbo Toddy Clemens and his
son Jake on 8-20-11