Siesta Key Beach,
Sarasota Florida
Boca Grande, Gasparilla
Siesta Key Beach (the
only rocky part near Siesta Village) Siesta Key Florida
Beer Can Island on Long
Boat Key in Sarasota County Florda (near Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria
Lake Ontario
sunrise in Rochester New York
Rose Marsh on Lake Ontario
in Greece is a very popular place for boaters to anchor up and hang out
on hot summer days. But it's also a unusually pristine natural area -
which consists of a beautiful beach and a shallow water bay-marsh
complex which provides excellent waterfowl nesting, resting and feeding
habitat, all part of the Braddock Bay Fish and Wildlife Management Area,
Sometimes it's difficult to appreciate the beauty of this place when
there's a hundred boats (including me) hanging out. But not today. It
was just incredibly beautiful out there. Even though it's right around
the corner from Braddock Bay, it has an incredible feeling of
remoteness. The fact that it was a near perfect day on Lake Ontario sure
didn't hurt. It's funny that we're getting our summer in September, kind
of like last year. The water is still crystal clear after being messed
up all summer. And the lake was like a sheet of glass all day - very
rare that it happens.
Rose Marsh on Lake Ontario
in Greece with a 1959 Lone Star boat
Sand formation, Lake
Ontario in Rochester New York
Moon Beach on Lake Ontario
near Braddock Bay in northwest Greece, New York a suburb of Rochester
New York
Beach in the village of
West End, Roatan Island Honduras during a 2016 scuba diving trip
Anthony's Key, just off
Roatan Island Honduras
Beattie Beach in
Rochester New York under the light of the full moon.
Beer Can Island on Long
Boat Key in Sarasota County Florda (near Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria
Venice Pier, Venice
Provincial Park, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada - or as I like to
call it, heaven:)
Beattie Beach in
Rochester, New York
Sandbanks Provincial Park, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
Charlotte Beach at
Ontario Beach Park, Rochester New York - under the full moon.
Fairhaven Beach State Park
on Lake Ontario in Sterling New York (Sitts Bluff in background)
Beer Can Island on Long
Boat Key in Sarasota County Florda (near Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria
Crescent Beach Hotel dock
on Lake Ontario in Rochester New York
Moon Beach on Lake Ontario
near Braddock Bay in northwest Greece, New York k
Moon Beach, Rochester NY
Charlotte Beach at
Ontario Beach Park, Rochester New York
Venice Beach, Florida
Beer Can Island on Long
Boat Key in Sarasota County Florda (near Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria
Beer Can Island on Long
Boat Key in Sarasota County Florda (near Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria
Beer Can Island on Long
Boat Key in Sarasota County Florda (near Bradenton Beach and Anna Maria
Island) |
© 2012 Neil and Jim Montanus. All rights reserved.